
Haaaaaapy Valentines day to all my little Valentines!!

So far today I've gotten out of bed to make coffee and lunch.  It's been amazing.  I watched three episodes of Bob's Burgers, just started watching "Golden Girls" from the start, and re-written this stupid entry 4 times.  The whole point was to have this be a fun outlet...not work.

I started with this:

 " Last night my friend took me to a lecture at the NYPL.  It was about the life of Casanova in Venice.  Holy shit.

Things I learned last night:

- Casanova was basically the first documented PanSexual.  He fucked EVERYONE.
- Casanova had a polyamorous relationship with two venetian nuns.
- Casanova had sex with his own daughter and many other children.
- Being called a Casanova isn't actually a good thing.

Dr. Ruth (yes she's still alive.  crazy right??)  was on the panel questioning Laurence Bergreen, the author if "Casanova: Seductive Genius".  She was probably as tall as my legs are long.  So tiny, so cute and still so on point!"

Fucking boooooring, NYC.  Get it together girl.  Anyway, if you're still reading this after that garbage, go get yourself a cookie.  You fucking earned it!  Maybe grab one for me as well?  Unless it has raisins in it.  If you ever bring me a cookie with raisins in it...you can fuck right off.  Why do people always try to stick raisins in things other than raisin boxes.  Christ that's annoying.

Anyway, I've written and deleted so much more....and I'm over it.  Maybe had I done something today other than lay in bed watching TV I'd have more to say.  I didn't so I don't.  So I'm going to walk away.

Happy Valentine's Day, Happy Singles Awareness Day, Happy Taco Tuesday, Happy Whatever the fuck you want to call it day.

This little girl is EVERYTHING i feel right now lol



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