Lately I've been really embarrassed to be an American. This country has become disgraceful. I'm not referring to our government...I'm referring to my fellow American civilians. You disgust me. No matter how this election went this country would still be in a state of unrest. Why? Because we are a bunch of spoiled entitled pieces of shit. This is a country built on "you can be anything you want" "everyone's a winner" "you deserve it" "sure! 2+2 can equal 6 if you can tell me how you got to that number!" Well let me tell you how fucking wrong you are.
"You can be anything you want."
Sure! Absolutely. However, you have to fucking work to get there. Don't expect it to be handed to you. If I had chosen to be a doctor rather than a bartender/halfassed cam whore...I probably could have done it. However I chose instead to make quick cash and drop out of college. That's the decision I made for myself. Hell, there's also the chance I might not have succeeded in school had I tried to stick to it and gone that route. Not everyone is cut out to be a doctor. If they were...they would be. Shit happens. I don't expect anyone to hand me a medical degree just because I want it. Fuck off with that noise
"Everyone's a winner."
FALSE! Ask the Atlanta Falcons how good it feels to be a winner after that super bowl. God speed my friend. Second place is the first loser.
a person or thing that wins something.
"a Nobel Prize winner"
synonyms: victor, champion, conqueror, vanquisher, hero*
Vanquisher. Hardly sounds like second place would exist as a winner to me after a good ole vanquishing. Shut up loser. Accept defeat and go home.
"You deserve it."
Do you really?? Show me what you've done to deserve it. If you have actually done what you're supposed to do to deserve it, you'll have it. Sometimes you don't get it when you deserve it. That's really because life can be a nasty cunt. However, look at the bigger picture. Maybe something else is coming out of that situation but you're missing it because you're too busy bitching that it's not the way you wanted it to happen. Or maybe you get exactly what you deserve. If life is crapping all over you maybe it's time for some inner reflection.
"Common Core Math.
Come the fuck on. This is some of the biggest bullshit I've ever seen. 2+2=4. If you have two omibods in your right hand and 2 in your left ...when you stick them all in your ass you have 4 omibods in your ass. You whore. No more. No less (other than your dignity). No question.
Stop fighting just to fight. How can you fight on one end that its unconstitutional to turn away refugees and then in the next breath say we need to take away guns. A constitutional right. To assume all Mexicans are criminals is ignorant. To assume all Trump voters are racist is also ignorant. To listen to everything the media says is even more ignorant. It's time to start working together and taking care of eachother. I turned out alright because I had two incredible parents that raised me to be the person I became. Ronald Regan didn't raise me. Never had either of the Bush's read me a bedtime story. Clinton never helped me with my homework. Obama didn't teach me the golden rule. My parents did all of that. Take responsibility for your own actions. Quit passing the buck. Instead of tweeting about global warming while you sit in traffic in your car, be proactive against it yourself. Walk somewhere fatass. Don't drive to get something around the corner. Ugh. Fuck you all you terrible people. Get it together. My mom would have put me in time out for acting like you.
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