Dear “Huntersee24”,
Since you have blocked me from communicating with you on any other platform I want to leave this open letter to you here. I’m 100% sure you will read it and I have no problem shaming you publicly for what you have done to me.
I wish I could say I was flattered by the attention, I however am annoyed and angry. I know some people would say “fuck him. Don’t give him the benefit of a reaction to what he’s done.” However, if you know me well, which id say you probably do after researching my personal life and following me in CB…you know that one thing i do not do is bite my tongue and not speak what’s on my mind. This blog entry is entirely for you.
Two months ago you came to my room claiming to be a new male broadcaster. You had photos, followers and a “last broadcast date.” You even went as far as to play a video of a guy that looked similar to the photos you took from the internet and streamed a video onto Cam4 to validate your story even more. It wasn’t the same person…but I let it slide because you seemed nice enough. Later that night, after I had given you a google voice number to contact me, because I thought i was doing you a favor and teaching you some tips about CB, we talked on the phone for two hours. Innocently for the most part. The next day I found out your pictures were of some Aussie model or something (thank you reverse photo lookup). When I messaged you calling you out and asking why you lied, you never responded.
One month goes by. A friend of mine needs to send me a pic and has to do it via Skype. I log into my PERSONAL Skype account only to be met with two friend requests from real friends of mine. Photos and all. When I received a message from my good friend Mike…I thought nothing of it. Mike had an iPhone for years and we facetimed regularly. Switching to an Android phone last year, it didn’t shock me that he would now be using Skype to make those calls again. He wanted to video chat. Not unusual. Here’s where I get suspicious. His phone is broken and he’s on an tablet that doesn’t have a camera so he has to type while I chat. Once again, normal conversation. He’s in Maine dog sitting (the week before I was headed to Maine which was no secret), the dogs are Siberian Huskies (a fact i know I’ve mentioned naming them as my favorite dog in CB on only one maybe two occasions). Then things got weird. He started saying things that didn’t sound very “Mike”. See Hunter, you picked someone who is one of my best friends. You somehow got lucky and picked his identity at a good time for you. Mike just went through a devastating breakup, causing him to drink more and be in a general funk. I was willing to let some perverted comments slide under the rug. When I asked for validation of your identity, you got defensive making me feel badly. I asked you to name the bar that I worked at in Philadelphia and you did. Giving me great relief that you were actually my friend and not some fucking stalker from CB. Sorry you didn’t get the naughty side of me that you were hoping for. As I’ve said…in real life I’m just not that slutty. I texted the real Mike during our conversation. Got no reply. That gave me comfort. Two hours after we logged off, having made plans to meet for breakfast at the airport in Maine, Mike texted me. He had been at work and just gotten off. Never even had a Skype account. Shocking….neither did the other close friend that sent me a request. So, Hunter, was it fun for you to research me and somehow dig though a private FB profile to find friend’s pictures and names to create these false identities? I hope it was. I hope you stroked your tiny little cock at the idea of duping me once again and having me on the phone to chat to again. You know how fun it was for me? None. I felt so emotionally violated after that call that I didn’t sleep well for days. So concerned that I had exposed a couple huge secrets to somebody from home that was trying to get info out of me. Then I realized, the Maine and husky comments meant you had to be some follower from CB and that made me feel no less uncomfortable.
I’m so glad that last week you popped up again. It put my mind at ease that these incidents have all been you. You came into my room, as “Hunter” again. As though I wouldn’t remember who you were. This time though, you changed your pictures. Thank god I’m just a dumb cam girl and would NEVER put two and two together that you were the same Huntersee24. You sent me at twitter message saying someone had Pm’d you to tell you to “report” my room. I was doing nothing in violation of CB terms of service….but I’m aware that there are some shady people in the CB community that may dislike me for various reasons. Then you identified yourself in the room as Hunter. Once i called you out, you passworded your profile. Your CB verified profile. You were reported by one of my gorgeous mods for harassment in that moment…and Shirley responded immediately.
Guess what happened next! You know…but our lovely audience does not.
I received a Facebook friend request from a “woman” using the SAME FUCKING PICTURES YOU HAD ON TWITTER AND CB. Jesus christ dude! I loved this though because it tied all the facts together showing that all of these ridiculous incidents over the last two months were just you. I screen capped the friend request, sending it to you on twitter saying, “is this a fucking joke?!” Rather than being a real fucking man and owning up to it…you once again blocked me on twitter.
Thankfully, I have screen capped everything to send to Shirley, as well as a link to this blog entry. I don’t want you banned or in trouble. I’m actually an incredibly nice person. If you reached out to me and identified yourself, I’d even forgive you. I want Shirley to be made aware of the situation because since she knows who you are from your verified account, I want documentation of this interaction just in case it goes to any sort of an extreme length that involves police or legal action. Listen dude, I don’t care who you are. I don’t care if you’re 500lbs living in a basement or 175 and working at a gym. I love everyone equally and fairly. What I don’t love is condescension. I now feel like I have to constantly watch my back and surroundings. I don’t live in the safest neighborhood yet when I walk home late at night, its you that I’m scared of. Not the neighborhood. I’ve already told Jared that he is to stay within ten feet of me the entire time we are at Exxxotica. I don’t trust you and you’ve robbed me of the ability of trusting any other strangers. You don’t know me or what I have been through in life. You lying to me is the most arrogant offensive thing one can do. If you’re the super-fan I referenced in my first blog and have intention of harming me. Please don’t. On my end I could care less. I live a full life and have zero regrets. However, I’m all my sister has left. Don’t do that to her. Life has already been unfair enough to us both. I don’t need my cam whore identity causing her to having to deal with the murder or harm of her “last man standing” burying one more family member. Perhaps I’m thinking a little far to the extreme. Maybe I’m not though. You’ve given me zero sense of comfort to feel otherwise.
Wrapping this up now because I’m sitting in a plane crying like a fucking asshole. Allow me to add that to the list of things to thank you for. You’re a real peach buddy. I wish you luck in life, but unless its to apologize, I wish even more that you leave me out of yours.
- Nicky
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